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Explore as Profundezas: Inspeção Empresarial com ROVs e Curso de Piloto para Alunos!

Descubra o mundo subaquático através da inspeção com ROVs para empresas e mergulhe em uma carreira emocionante com nosso curso de piloto de ROVs. Prepare-se para explorar novos horizontes e conquistar o mundo subaquático com a nossa experiência especializada. Seja você uma empresa em busca de soluções de inspeção confiáveis ou um indivíduo ansioso para se tornar um piloto de ROVs certificado, estamos aqui para guiá-lo rumo ao sucesso nas profundezas do oceano. Junte-se a nós nesta jornada submarina hoje mesmo!


The improvement of non-lethal and non-destructive techniques to assess marine biota is a DIFFERENTIAL, especially for sensitive habitats within protected areas that are home to a significant amount of threatened and endemic species. 
NUTECMAR has worked with scientific researchers for several years, bringing them standard or tailored solutions for underwater observation of marine ecosystems, environmental monitoring or underwater archeological research. 
Thanks to the capacity for innovation and partnerships, NUTECMAR, together with  Subsea Tech, designs and manufactures underwater observation systems that meet scientists' specific needs and budgets. In addition, Subsea Technology is able to provide systems that are upgradeable and simple enough for future sensor integration.
NUTECMAR ROVs are used in various environments by scientific bodies and research institutes such as: USP, UNESP, UFRJ, UNESPAR, UFSCAR, UNISANTA, CNPQ, CAPES, FAPESP, FUSP, among others.

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